
Technology law encompasses legal issues related to the development and use of technology, including intellectual property, privacy, data protection, cyber security, e-commerce, and telecommunications. MyLawCare recognises potential legal problems before they occur and helps you take strategic steps to avoid them. 


Issues such as data privacy and cyber security have become increasingly important in recent years, as the use of technology has become more widespread and interconnected. The laws governing technology are complex and can vary greatly from country to country, making it essential to seek legal advice from experts in the field.

Technology law is constantly evolving as new technologies emerge and it is important for businesses and individuals to stay informed of these changes.


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    US tech industry frets about handing data to states prosecuting abortion


    Following the US Supreme Court's decision on Friday to overturn the Roe v. Wade precedent, which for decades guaranteed a woman's constitutional right to an abortion, the technology sector is preparing for the uncomfortable possibility of having to hand over pregnancy-related data to law enforcement.


    Amazon India bets on local stores, social commerce; start-ups want more women in tech roles


    According to country manager Manish Tiwary, who was recently given responsibility for managing Amazon India's day-to-day operations, Amazon, which has invested more than $6.5 billion in India over the past nine years, is betting on local shops and social commerce to attract the "next 500 million consumers".


    India's crypto currency industry reels as new tax hammers trading


    India's new crypto currency tax has severely hurt the nation's exchanges, compounding sectoral problems and causing trade volumes to drop by up to 90%. The 1 percent tax on crypto currency trades in India that went into effect at the beginning of this month has further deterred investors in a market.


    Salesforce announces $2-million local grant for India


    The CRM Company Salesforce announced on Wednesday that it will be giving 22 Indian non-profits a $2 million local grant. Organizations promoting child welfare, workforce development, and universal access to high-quality education would be eligible for the funding.


    Twitter takes down filmmaker Leena Manimekalai’s controversial tweet


    A contentious post from director Leena Manimekalai has been withheld by Twitter India as a result of a removal request from the government. This information was provided by the US-based microblogging service in a report to Lumen Database, a database of legal complaints and demands for the removal of internet content. 


    Twitter moves high court against govt orders


    According to persons with first-hand knowledge of the event, Twitter India has filed a writ case in the Karnataka High Court on Tuesday disputing specific letters and content takedown orders issued by the Union government. The legal action was taken after the deadline of July 4 for the American microblogging platform to adhere to orders given by the MEITY had passed.



    How do you select a lawyer for me?

    – Our Case Manager notes important query details like location, area of law, budget, availability and more on call. 

    – We then find the perfect lawyer for you from a database of 1000+ consultants across India.

    – Confirmation is sent via WhatsApp or Email or SMS with regular updates and reminders.

    Legal compliance refers to measures, auditing and tax regulations, procedural requirements, meetings, licences, paperwork etc. which ensure smooth functioning of the industry in a fair and transparent manner. Regulatory authorities like SEBI, RBI, TRAI etc. create, manage and ensure that these regulations are upheld. If not complied with, depending on the regulation, one may have to pay hefty fines OR shut down business OR lose practice licence OR even face trial.

    Whether company registration is needed for online sellers?

    Yes, if you’re doing any business you are required to register such business either as a Company or a Firm or an LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) or a Sole proprietorship. Books need to be maintained as well as a current account to accept online payments.

    What is the importance of acquiring a trademark for a business?

    Trademarks allow your business to create a brand that stands out from your competitors. It makes it easier for clients to find you. It also attracts good talent and makes hiring easier. Most importantly, it prevents competition from imitating your successful business to poach clients and harm your goodwill in the market. Lastly, these are a valuable asset and can be bought and sold like any other property so always a good investment.

    What is trademark watch service and how can it be used as a means of protecting one’s trademark application?

    Monitoring a valuable property like Trademark to ensure that no one else is stealing it and poaching your clients is called ‘Trademark watch’.

    If you catch someone infringing on your trademark, you gain the option to oppose it or settle it amicably or even sell your trademark.

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